The journalist Jeremy Clarkson has his gargantuan stomach and the pianist Glenn Gould had his wooden chair. Novelist Mary Shelly (think Frankenstein) wrote with a Boa Constrictor around her neck, and artist Salvador Dalí carried around a piece of Spanish driftwood. Nigel Kennedy performs in an Aston Villa t-shirt and Robert Emery, yes that's me, conducts barefoot.
Since September I’ve had what some might call a whirlwind. Life always seems to be very busy, but the last three months have been unusual with my feet not touching the floor; just the way I like it...
So, since May 2010 I’ve been living, breathing and working in Switzerland on a fantastic new production called Dallebach Kari das Musical. Since my time here, I’ve rehearsed in the cast of 60, conducted the 12 hour click-track session, written the songbook to be printed and published in all good bookshops and music stores, played 28 shows, organised the recording of the rhythm section, created new click-tracks for the production in Zurich 2011...
Key images of RDCE in categories of Conducting, Pianist, PR and Working With Other Artists. Click 'View Post' to see all the images.